DIY or Hire a Professional - 3 Things to Consider Regarding Hiring a Professional Lawn Care Service
Everyone loves a lush and healthy lawn, but having the time, the skills, and the proper equipment to create and maintain a healthy lawn can be daunting. Many people probably wonder if they really need to hire a professional, and aren’t sure if it is worth the cost. We think there are 3 main things to consider if you are thinking about hiring a professional lawn care service in the Annapolis area . 1) Expertise and Equipment. Lawn care professionals are very familiar with the local climate and the types of plants and grass that thrive in your region. They also know the pests and diseases that are more prevalent in that environment. They know the signs to look for and have solutions and education to help you make informed decisions about your lawn care. According to surveys, about 30% of Americans don’t know how often or how much to even water their lawns. Lawn care professionals deal with these things every day and have the special skill set required to keep your lawn at optimum