The Power of Power Seeding Your Lawn!
Lawn Doctor of Annapolis knows that everyone loves a lush green lawn - for so many reasons. As experts in lawn care, we also know that fall is the ideal time to prepare your lawn in order to have a thick and healthy lawn in the spring. One way to give your yard a huge boost in the spring is by power seeding in the fall. Read on to learn more about what power seeding is and how it works! How Power Seeding Works Power seeding is a specialized technique for adding fresh seed to your entire lawn without damaging your current turf. At Lawn Doctor of Annapolis we have a patented machine that actually aerates the soil at the same time. When soil becomes too compacted, it makes it harder to get water and nutrients to the root system of your grass and can also hinder soil drainage. By using our patented Turf Tamer power seeding machine to both seed and aerate, we are able to open up the soil and get seed directly to that soil, creating optimum opportunity for healthy growth.