The Power of Power Seeding Your Lawn!

Lawn Doctor of Annapolis knows that everyone loves a lush green lawn - for so many reasons.  As experts in lawn care, we also know that fall is the ideal time to prepare your lawn in order to have a thick and healthy lawn in the spring.  One way to give your yard a huge boost in the spring is by power seeding in the fall.  Read on to learn more about what power seeding is and how it works!

How Power Seeding Works

Power seeding is a specialized technique for adding fresh seed to your entire lawn without damaging your current turf.  At Lawn Doctor of Annapolis we have a patented machine that actually aerates the soil at the same time.  When soil becomes too compacted, it makes it harder to get water and nutrients to the root system of your grass and can also hinder soil drainage. By using our patented Turf Tamer power seeding machine to both seed and aerate, we are able to open up the soil and get seed directly to that soil, creating optimum opportunity for healthy growth.  

Why Power Seeding Helps.

Having a professional lawn care company in Annapolis power seed your lawn can go a long way to helping you have a lush and healthy yard overall.  Your grass will grow denser which not only looks and feels great, it helps prevent weeds from taking over and choking out your grass.  A thicker lawn is also more resistant to bugs and disease.  Besides, your yard usually gets more wear and tear over the summer.  From high traffic to low moisture and/or high heat, the roots of your grass can weaken or even die off over the busy season.  After all that stress, power seeding is a great way to give it a pick me up to replace those dying shoots, so by spring, it will be stronger and healthier than before.

When to Power Seed.

As lawn care experts in the Annapolis area, we recommend power seeding in the fall for a thick, strong, and healthy lawn in the spring.  That is a perfect time to help your lawn recover from any summer damage it may have suffered.  It is also a time when temperatures are cooler and rain is more available.  That is ideal for sprouting seeds because they are less likely to get dried out or scorched in the sun and have the best conditions to take root and thrive.

If you are looking forward to a lusher, greener lawn in the spring, or if you love your lawn and just want to keep it healthy and strong, talk to Lawn Doctor of Annapolis.  A thick healthy  lawn doesn’t just look good, it is more resistant to weeds, bugs, disease, etc.  As one of the best lawn care companies in the Annapolis area, we are experts at knowing just what it takes to make great lawns happen in this environment.  We would be happy to evaluate your lawn to see if it would benefit from power seeding.  Fall is prime power seeding time, so call today to get on the schedule!



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