
Showing posts from June, 2021

5 Signs Your Lawn May Need Help

We know many people will be spending time outdoors this weekend and spending the holiday with family.   While you are enjoying the outdoor fun, you might take a little time to observe your lawn.   There are several tell tale signs that your lawn may not be getting what it needs.   If you know how to see those signs early, potential problems can be fixed before your lawn has to suffer. 1) Weeds. Of course, all lawns will have a few weeds. But if it seems like the weeds are taking over more and more then you may be developing a problem.  Your grass and the weeds are fighting for the same resources (water, sunlight, nutrients) as the weeds … the less competition be better.  Sometimes a weed control program is all you need.  Other times a pH test for the soil may be a good idea.  Weeds may thrive at a different pH from your grass, so adjusting the pH is another possible way to solve a weed invasion.  Your local lawn care specialist in the Bay area can help you determine exactly what nee

5 Tips on How to Grow a Greener Lawn

With a team of experienced technicians familiar with local weather and soil conditions, Lawn Doctor knows a thing or two about growing a greener lawn in the Annapolis area .  We thought we would share a few tips and tricks with you that may help you realize your dream of having that thick, green lawn you have always wanted. 1) pH Balancing. If your soil does not have the right pH balance, all your other efforts to keep your lawn lush may suffer.   Most grass needs a pH level of 6-7.2 (cool season grasses prefer a little higher pH, warm season grass prefers a little lower pH). It is well worth it to do a pH test of your soil and add lime treatments if your soil pH is too high.   Start slowly so you don’t overdo it.   You can add more later if necessary. 2) Weed Control. Weed control includes prevention and elimination of common weeds in your yard .   With a pre-emergent herbicide, you can keep weeds from growing.   Once they have sprouted, they must be quickly killed before they s