3 Common Lawn Issues We Solve!

Keeping your lawn beautiful and green can be difficult without using professional help from Lawn Doctor of Annapolis. We see and treat over thousands of lawns, so we are professionals you can trust to help make your lawn look as beautiful as you've always envisioned! We can evaluate your lawn to figure out what issues are holding it back from being the best it can be, then we can help treat those issues to create a healthy, beautiful lawn. Keep reading to learn more about the three most common issues that we can help you fix!

1) Lawn Diseases

There are diseases that can show up in your lawn and spread until they've taken over. There are several different kinds including brown patch, dollar spot, red thread, and snow mold. They can quickly destroy a beautiful lawn, so it's important to identify them early. Lawn Doctor can figure out exactly what your lawn needs in terms of treatment to boost it's health and make it strong and green again. 

2) Drainage Issues

Lawns can have a lot of issues if the drainage isn't performing properly. If the soil is too compact, then the roots of the grass can't get enough nutrients and moisture in order to survive. That is why it is very important to have your lawn aerated when it becomes too compact to thrive. The best time to have this service scheduled is in fall when the weather is cooler and before the grass goes dormant. 

3) Spreading Weeds

Weeds can quickly take over a lawn and choke out your healthy grass. Crabgrass, dandelion, and other weeds are some of the most common that can invade your yard. Our professional weed control services can identify the exact kinds of weeds you have in your lawn, and then we will implement the perfect solution to give you the yard you deserve. 

The Best Yard with Lawn Doctor

Lawn Doctor of Annapolis is the solution you need for all your common lawn issues. We can help get rid of lawn diseases, solve drainage issues, and control the spread of weeds so that your lawn can look green, thick, and healthy all season! If you have a question about your lawn's condition or want to schedule a service or program with Lawn Doctor, give us a call. 


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