
3 Things to Think About for Your Lawn This Winter

While your lawn and trees do not need as much attention during the winter when growth is slower, the secret to a great lawn in the spring starts during the fall and winter.  In fact, at Lawn Doctors of Annapolis , we know from experience that many of the things you have to do to have a healthy lawn come spring starts during the winter when temperatures begin to drop.  Things like pruning and fertilization in the fall and winter can not only help your lawn survive the harsh winter conditions but will also set it up for healthy new growth when the growing season starts again.  We specialize in lawn care in Annapolis .  We know how to prepare lawns for the local weather and environmental conditions, and we love making great lawns happen.  If you are wanting a beautiful lawn next spring, read on to learn some of the valuable things you can do to care for your lawn this winter. Tree Pruning It may surprise you to know that the best time to prune your trees is in the winter, before buddi

The Humble History of Lawn Doctor - Or Shoud We Say ... Our Roots!

Lawn Doctor of Annapolis is proud to be a part of the Lawn Doctor Company, and one of the reasons for that is because of Lawn Doctor’s interesting history.  Lawn Doctor truly is a unique company in the way that it cares about the service it provides to its clients.  With over 450 locations and 200 local experts across the country, people may not realize how small the company started out.  The founders of the company were not on a life path to start a lawn care business.  Their inspiration was sparked by the needs of people in the community, and they used their skills and background to meet those needs.  In fact, they did it so well, it led to the foundation of the company you see today.  If you would like to know more about the founders of Lawn Doctor and why they got started in the lawn care business, keep reading this blog.   Inspiration Although Lawn Doctor is now a nationally known brand with locations in over 40 states, our company is built on a humble and sincere foundation of

5 Fall Maintenance Tips for your Lawn

Fall is a time many of us look forward to in the Annapolis area.  The temperatures cool down and the leaves turn brilliant colors, and we anticipate the changing of seasons.  It is also a time of transition for your lawn as your grass prepares for the winter to come. At Lawn Doctors of Annapolis , we know that transition time is the best window of opportunity for several key lawn maintenance activities.  If you would like to know what you can do this fall to help create a thick green carpet of grass next spring, keep reading this month’s blog!   1) Fertilize Fall is the most important time of the year to apply fertilizer for a healthy lawn because the nutrients it provides are what your lawn uses to get through the winter.  Those nutrients also help your grass bounce back next spring. If you plan to aerate too, you will want to wait and fertilize afterward so the nutrients can get directly down to the roots of your turf. 2) Weed & Pest Control Your lawn is more vulnerable to pests

The Power of Power Seeding Your Lawn!

Lawn Doctor of Annapolis knows that everyone loves a lush green lawn - for so many reasons.   As experts in lawn care, we also know that  fall is the ideal time to prepare your lawn in order to have a thick and healthy lawn in the spring.   One way to give your yard a huge boost in the spring is by power seeding in the fall.   Read on to learn more about what power seeding is and how it works! How Power Seeding Works Power seeding is a specialized technique for adding fresh seed to your entire lawn without damaging your current turf.   At Lawn Doctor of Annapolis we have a patented machine that actually aerates the soil at the same time.   When soil becomes too compacted, it makes it harder to get water and nutrients to the root system of your grass and can also hinder soil drainage. By using our patented Turf Tamer power seeding machine to both seed and aerate, we are able to open up the soil and get seed directly to that soil, creating optimum opportunity for healthy growth.  

How to Care for Your lawn in the Extreme Heat of Summer

The extreme heat of summer isn’t just hard on you, it is hard on your lawn too.   At Lawn Doctor of Anapolis-Bowie we are trained to know how to evaluate your lawn and tailor the care we give based on the seasonal conditions.   So we thought would share some tips for keeping your lawn as resilient and healthy as possible in hot and dry conditions.   Cutting. Your grass gets it’s energy to grow and sustain itself through photosynthesis.   If you cut the blades too short it can limit your lawn’s ability to take in energy and leave it more vulnerable.   It is best to r aise your cutting height when it is hot and dry and only mow 1/3 of the total length at any given time.  Timing when you mow also helps and should be done  after a rain or watering day, but not when the grass is still wet.   A sharp blade makes a big difference too, as a dull blade can tear the grass rather than cut it which takes longer to heal. By following these guidelines, you can help your grass generate a stronge

5 Signs Your Lawn May Need Help

We know many people will be spending time outdoors this weekend and spending the holiday with family.   While you are enjoying the outdoor fun, you might take a little time to observe your lawn.   There are several tell tale signs that your lawn may not be getting what it needs.   If you know how to see those signs early, potential problems can be fixed before your lawn has to suffer. 1) Weeds. Of course, all lawns will have a few weeds. But if it seems like the weeds are taking over more and more then you may be developing a problem.  Your grass and the weeds are fighting for the same resources (water, sunlight, nutrients) as the weeds … the less competition be better.  Sometimes a weed control program is all you need.  Other times a pH test for the soil may be a good idea.  Weeds may thrive at a different pH from your grass, so adjusting the pH is another possible way to solve a weed invasion.  Your local lawn care specialist in the Bay area can help you determine exactly what nee

5 Tips on How to Grow a Greener Lawn

With a team of experienced technicians familiar with local weather and soil conditions, Lawn Doctor knows a thing or two about growing a greener lawn in the Annapolis area .  We thought we would share a few tips and tricks with you that may help you realize your dream of having that thick, green lawn you have always wanted. 1) pH Balancing. If your soil does not have the right pH balance, all your other efforts to keep your lawn lush may suffer.   Most grass needs a pH level of 6-7.2 (cool season grasses prefer a little higher pH, warm season grass prefers a little lower pH). It is well worth it to do a pH test of your soil and add lime treatments if your soil pH is too high.   Start slowly so you don’t overdo it.   You can add more later if necessary. 2) Weed Control. Weed control includes prevention and elimination of common weeds in your yard .   With a pre-emergent herbicide, you can keep weeds from growing.   Once they have sprouted, they must be quickly killed before they s